About Alison Page Marketing
I and my team of associates have been providing marketing consultancy and creative management services to small to medium sized businesses around Herts, Beds and Bucks since 2009.
We are very much a client-focused business and enjoy developing long-term relationships with our clients and suppliers. We work with talented and experienced partners, including web developers, designers and printers to deliver projects with enthusiasm, confidence and high attention to detail.
Our portfolio of clients is purposely diverse, and we work with a variety of professions and trades, providing marketing consultancy and support to sole traders, SME’s and corporates.
APM has worked with many companies across a diverse range of industries to develop and deliver marketing strategies including: London Digital Security Centre, Hemel Hempstead Business Ambassadors, Roy Chapman Ltd, Autorama (UK) Ltd, 360 Innovations (Canada), Communique Associates (UK) Ltd, Stringer Mann Financial Planners and Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary to name just a few.
Find out about our small business marketing consultation.
Read what our clients have to say here and watch the video to learn more.
About Alison
Alison’s sales and marketing career began in the motor trade; working predominantly for two manufacturers and a large retail dealer group. During this time, she amassed a wealth of operational and managerial experience in marketing planning and account management, delivering both tactical and strategic programmes and initiatives, as well as organising events and hospitality both in the UK and across Europe. Forming her own marketing consultancy was a natural progression and the company continues to grow and evolve.
Alison was elected an MCIM Member by the Chartered Institute of Marketing in June 2010 and awarded Chartered Marketer status in July 2014. Chartered Marketer status is the mark of an up-to-date, experienced and qualified marketing professional. In November 2019, Alison was awarded the status of Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Marketing.
Alison is registered with the ICO – Information Commissioners Office – adhering to data legislation requirements and best practice.
Alison is also a member of the FSB (the Federation of Small Businesses). You can also connect with Alison on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Member of the UK Small Business Directory.
Alison Page Marketing can also be found on www.marketingcompany-info.co.uk.
Follow APM on LinkedIn.
Roy Chapman Ltd
In recent times we have disposed of our franchise dealership and now operate a much simpler and less demanding independent service and repairs business. This has greatly reduced our need for the sophisticated marketing and administration support that you so ably provided when we were Mazda and Ford dealers.I have always been impressed by the work that you have done for us. In particular I liked your first class attention to detail, your willingness to go the extra mile, and for me personally your wise counselling and friendship. I always looked upon you as an extra member of our team.
I am happy to recommend you as a sales and marketing expert to a wide range of business organisations.