added value
Social Media for Business
What’s it all about? The use of the social media platforms for business, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, has been gaining momentum over the past couple of years. As a result, many so called ‘gurus’ have jumped on the social media band-wagon and subsequently plagued us with little more than spam! As a result, […]
The Power of EFT
I was recently asked to write a testimonial for Sejual Shah, a stress resolution specialist, to include on the guest book of her website. After doing so, I realised it would actually make quite a good blog post, so I hope you find the following either useful, informative or both! Fear of Presenting I am not embarrassed […]
Helpful Hints & Tips for the Small Business Owner 9
How well do you know your customers? I regularly meet with small business contacts through various networking channels and continue to be surprised at the sheer number of individuals who don’t seem to know who their customers are. Clearly they have some knowledge in terms of name and address for invoicing purposes, but quite often […]
Helpful Hints & Tips for the Small Business Owner 7
However you brand yourself or market your business, ensure you are consistent across all mediums and communications, online and offline. Inconsistency can be both confusing and unsettling for your customers, which would be detrimental to your business offering. The same applies to your approach and consistency of services levels; important to any business but especially […]
Helpful Hints & Tips for the Small Business Owner
One of my thoughts behind starting a blog was the ability to offer added value, not only to my clients, but the small business world in general, with the odd helpful hint and tip. These hints and tips will form no particular order, but will be based on my own thoughts on current topics, learnings […]