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Social Media for Business

What’s it all about?

The use of the social media platforms for business, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, has been gaining momentum over the past couple of years.  As a result, many so called ‘gurus’ have jumped on the social media band-wagon and subsequently plagued us with little more than spam!  As a result, those of you new to promoting your business on one or more of the socal media channels, may be a little confused as to the best approach.

DotFuture was formed in 2009 with 5 other local business professionals purposely to spread the news about how effective social media can be for businesses but, more importantly, to explain how to get started and what to do.  DotFuture now have 2 very successful social media workshops under our belts and our third is due to take place on Wednesday 6 April 2011 at The Holiday Inn, Aylesbury.  We are also planning a series of bespoke corporate workshops, the first of which is for a group of accountants on Thursday 14 April 2011 in Milton Keynes.

The DotFuture Team

Our DotFuture team consists of: Kevin Hardern, an experienced business coach; Cecily Lalloo, HR Consultant of Embrace HR; Stephen Giles of SG Services, an internet marketing specialist; Pete Burrows of So We Create graphic design and Ian Brearley of QS Southern, a microsoft office trainer and, last but not least, myself!

Independently we are all very experienced and very successful at what we do, together we offer an unrivalled level of expertise (ok, perhaps with the exception of the Dragons!).

Testimonials for our DotFuture Workshop

Andy Clements – J Plan Office Solutions 

  • Having completed his LinkedIn profile with full information in line with our suggestions from our October workshop, Andy was ‘found’ by an old business associate of his; someone that he had done business with a decade or so ago and had completely lost touch with.   As a result, the relationship was rekindled as a result and has already led to business for Andy.
  • The second positive outcome came about through searching for groups relevant to his business (this topic is also covered during our workshop).  Andy came across a group compiled of people from a professional handyman association based in the US.  Andy sent a direct LinkedIn message to the leader of the group and asked whether it was possible for a UK business to become a member.  As a result of that correspondence, there is now a UK-based sub-group which is already forming valuable business relationships.
  • Find out more about Andy’s business here:

Dr Michele Challenger – JH Tutorials

  • Michele provides private tutoring predominantly for GCSE and A’ Level students and she attended our first workshop in July 2010.  Within 2 weeks of becoming active on Facebook almost half of the visitors to her website were coming via that channel.  Michele was able to identify this information from Google Analytics – another recommended tool by the DotFuture group.
  • Find out more about Michele’s business here:

Like to find out more?

If you’re really not sure if what you’re doing currently is working or you would like to find out more, take a look at for further information and to register for the next workshop.  We would love to see you next month.

If you find this information useful or would like to post a comment with regards to DotFuture, then I would love to hear from you.

Regards, Alison