
The Point of HashTags
Last week I met with Rebecca Fennell at The Espresso Lounge in Tring, I should say on the recommendation of Jeremy Chapman of Roy Chapman Ltd. Anyway, Rebecca is a professional photographer and the meeting was to discuss her marketing activity. As a result of showing me her absolutely fantastic portrait portfolios and wedding books, […]

Guest Blogging – Whats it all about!
What is Guest Blogging? In brief, guest blogging is where you write and supply an article (ie, a blog post) to someone (friend, colleague or contact) and they post it onto their blog site but attribute it to you and vice versa, creating a win-win situation for both parties. There are also some guest blogging […]

Profile Pictures – Does The Professional Touch Matter?
The most common thing I hear is “I hate my picture being taken”! – Guest blog by Rebecca Fennell, Owner at Rebecca Fennell Photography That’s because we are not used to looking at ourselves and so when we do see a picture, we become ultra critical of every little thing we hate about ourselves. As […]

The Law of Attraction
The ‘Secret’! I’ve always been fascinated by the unexplained, such as palm-reading, tarot cards, hypnotherapy but also self-help and the power of positive mental attitude. So I guess its hardly surprising that ‘The Secret’ piqued my interest! I was first introduced to The Secret in 2009 I believe, at one of the first networking events I […]