Guest Blogging

Guest Blogging – Whats it all about!

What is Guest Blogging?

In brief, guest blogging is where you write and supply an article (ie, a blog post) to someone (friend, colleague or contact) and they post it onto their blog site but attribute it to you and vice versa, creating a win-win situation for both parties. There are also some guest blogging websites such as or

What’s in it for me?

Quite simply, exposure, which can be broken down into 4 main areas:

  • Links
  • Increased traffic
  • Brand recognition
  • Build new relationships

What’s in it for the owner of the blog site?

The owner of the site will also benefit from increased links and traffic but, in addition, will receive free content, perhaps an alternative perspective to a given topic, or information relating to a complimentary channel for their business.

How do I find guest blogging opportunities?

  • Conduct a Google search for the relevant keywords
  • Utilise an existing website such as one of those listed above
  • Contact the owners of blog sites you enjoy and ask whether you can submit a post
  • Use one of the many social media tools to identify you are looking for opportunities

You can read guest blogs that I’ve written here:

You can also read shared blog posts here on my site from Distinctly Digital, Embrace HR, Touchstone Legal Services and Rebecca Fennell Photography, just search by the category of ‘Guest’.

And finally, you might also find these two blog posts interesting reads:

Happy Blogging!