The Law of Attraction
The ‘Secret’!
I’ve always been fascinated by the unexplained, such as palm-reading, tarot cards, hypnotherapy but also self-help and the power of positive mental attitude. So I guess its hardly surprising that ‘The Secret’ piqued my interest!
I was first introduced to The Secret in 2009 I believe, at one of the first networking events I attended. It came up in conversation, although I cant recall the details now, and I remember doing a little research online afterwards, but must have got distracted by other things.
In the summer of 2010 I felt a strong pull to have my tarot cards read and low and behold met a fantastic lady – Sue Mitchell – who did just that and, as a result, gave me a much needed positive outlook. More or less at the same time, I met Sejual Shah, an EFT expert who helped me overcome my fears of public speaking. Anyway, Sejual loaned me The Secret on DVD. I can only tell you that by the end I was wandering around exclaiming WOW to myself! I was overwhelmed by what I had seen and it really struck a chord with me. I immediately sat down and wrote my ‘wish list’ which the film recommends; it starts “I am so happy and grateful now that…”
Since then my business has been, and is, going really well, I have a holiday planned with my BFF and have a client who sells used Porsche cars. The point of this? My business, holidays and love of Porsche all featured on my wish list! Law of attraction or positive mental attitude or just coincidence? By the way, the same BFF gave me The Secret book for Christmas, which is just fabulous for dipping in and out of. And I have blisters on my fingers from constantly ‘touching wood’ in connection with my business. Anyway, I’m really looking forward to a workshop with Sandra Swan of Swan Coaching on Saturday 12 February entitled ‘Law Of Attraction – Learn The Power Of ‘The Secret’’. You can find out more here.
Actually it was a blog post of Sandra’s that prompted me to write this one. Take a look at her blog – Law of Attraction Coaching – and you’ll see why!
Thanks Sandra, Sejual and Sue! x