Marketing Planning
Planning Ahead – How to get the most out of Trade Shows
Trade shows can be a fantastic way of making new contacts in your industry and increasing business. They can also be very expensive. The day of the trade show can pass very quickly, and without a plan you will find you’ve wasted your time and money. By planning ahead, you can get the most out […]
Marketing Strategy and Planning
Is your blank sheet of paper – intended for either your marketing planning or your marketing activities – which, let’s face it, seemed such a good idea at the start of the New Year – still, well, a blank sheet of paper?! A blank piece of paper is seen as a great opportunity and embraced […]
Marketing Planning Tips for 2013
First of all, Happy New Year! Are you thinking you should be planning some marketing activity (or indeed strategy) for 2013, but just don’t know where to start and hence putting it off? Here’s a few simple tips to get you started and which should help the process: Identify first what you wish to achieve; for […]
GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips Part 4
Part 4 of the series ‘GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips’ is really a review of what’s gone before and a couple of thoughts in final conclusion: Do consider the value of your time versus the amount you might spend scratching your head! Remember the Planning stage from Part 1? All subsequent points pick up on […]
GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips Part 1
Following on from my presentation at the Viva Mums UnLtd networking group earlier in June, entitled GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips, I promised to put together a blog for those of you unable to attend. Thanks for all the positive feedback from those who did, by the way! My presentation covered the following and I’ll […]
Helpful Hints & Tips for the Small Business Owner 9
How well do you know your customers? I regularly meet with small business contacts through various networking channels and continue to be surprised at the sheer number of individuals who don’t seem to know who their customers are. Clearly they have some knowledge in terms of name and address for invoicing purposes, but quite often […]
Hello World!
My First Blog by Alison Page Wow, how exciting is this! Not sure if I feel like an intrepid explorer taking my first tentative steps into the great world of the unknown or an actress receiving a BAFTA complete with quivering voice and smudged mascara! Either way, first of all some thanks… to my family, […]