GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips Part 4
Part 4 of the series ‘GREAT Low Cost Marketing Tips’ is really a review of what’s gone before and a couple of thoughts in final conclusion:
- Do consider the value of your time versus the amount you might spend scratching your head!
- Remember the Planning stage from Part 1? All subsequent points pick up on one or more of these elements.
- Do ensure you adhere to any required regulations for your industry, such as the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) for therapists.
- A professional such as myself, can offer far greater value than pure delivery of an adhoc time.
- Flexible resources are a must for any business. Look for suppliers who can offer you a personalised service that will adapt to your requirements, rather than trying to pigeon-hole you into theirs!
I hope you’ve found this series useful and would love to receive your comments.