
APM AI Marketing Blog

How can AI help Marketing?

August 17, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Artificial Intelligence is not a new concept, yet it is now widely available as a means of streamlining many marketing activities. In this article, we outline some of the ways that AI is transforming marketing, along with a few considerations before you put your brand in the hands of AI… Marketing AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) […]

APM Automated Marketing

Work Smarter with Automated Marketing

July 18, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

‘Work smarter not harder’ is a phrase that we endorse at Alison Page Marketing. If there is an effective way to boost productivity and performance, without detrimental effects, we are on board! In this article, we share how automation can help you extend your reach and enhance customer relations. Equally, we want to highlight where […]

APM Market Research

Is Ongoing Market Research Necessary?

June 12, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Market research is all about understanding the positioning of your products and services to ensure they best meet the needs of your target customer. Business owners typically undertake considerable market research before launching their company, but is this enough? In this article, we share why ongoing market research is necessary. When Did Your Company Last […]

APM Marketing Touchpoints sq

What are Touchpoints in Marketing?

May 17, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Touchpoints in marketing are simply any interaction between a brand and the customer. The challenge for business is that people rarely buy on impulse, and therefore one touchpoint is not enough to convince them to make a purchase. Not only that, but we are exposed to thousands of messages every day. So, how many touchpoints […]

APM Print Marketing

Is There a Place for Print Marketing?

April 18, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

In a digital world, social media has become an essential marketing tool for building brand awareness, extending reach and connecting with customers. Does this mean we can ditch traditional advertising options or is there still a place for print marketing? Five years on from our previous article, we review the current situation. Can Print Marketing […]

APM Solid Marketing Foundations Sq

Build a Successful Business on Solid Marketing Foundations

March 22, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Are you looking for a quick win with your marketing efforts, or a sustainable strategy on which your business can grow? We hear of social media posts that go viral or online Ad campaigns that rocket a web page up the listings, and we want those results. However, these rare successes are often short-lived. To […]

APM Marketing Strategy

How Marketing Strategy Builds Business Success

February 20, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

A strong marketing strategy is essential for any business’ success. You may produce amazing products or deliver the best services, but if few potential customers have heard of you, your sales potential will be limited. In this article, we explore how our marketing services helped two very different businesses to realise success… What Makes a […]

APM Cost of doing business

How hard are you making it for your customers to do business with you?

January 17, 2023 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Not all costs are financial. When a customer buys from you, whether a product or a service, the transactional costs they carry extend far beyond the price. Your buyers also incur non-financial costs; notably the time and effort it takes to find what they are looking for, whether it’s the opening hours on your website […]

APM Mailing List

How Important is Building a Mailing List?

November 14, 2022 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Emailing your customers and prospects can be a great means of communication, but it is sometimes regarded as spam. In this article, we explore the benefits of building a mailing list and how to use this marketing opportunity wisely to maximise engagement and avoid unsubscribes… Is Email Marketing Effective? Email marketing has been around for […]

APM-JFinance Case Study

Case Study – J Finance Ltd

October 25, 2022 by Alison Page 0 Comments

Our Case Study demonstrates how APM supported J Finance Limited, a financial services company located in Newbury, Berkshire, with their business growth aspirations… Setting the Scene for Growth Founded in 2001, J Finance Ltd quickly established itself as an approachable, helpful and proactive financial services company in Newbury. By 2016, this independent business had earned […]