Social Media Marketing
Social Media for Business
Do you have a social media strategy for your business? If you do, that’s great! There’s no better way to ensure maximum success for your social media efforts. A social media strategy sets out clear indicators for you and your team as to what the social media will look like, which platforms you will use, […]
Maximising Your Content
When you have a great idea and a blog post you’re pleased with, repurposing the content will help you reach as many would-be customers as possible. Marketing yourself online can be a time-consuming business. Coming up with different subjects for your blog content takes time and brain power– so you should make the most of […]
Social Media Training Workshops
Social media marketing is still an untapped opportunity for business and its continuing to grow. Many businesses have set up accounts but never made a single post. LinkedIn themselves believe that only 9% of their members use the system effectively… Not sure which social media platform is right for your business? Not sure how to […]
Social Media Marketing – a quick refresh
Have you thought about your marketing activities for 2013 yet? Hopefully, even if you’ve not yet started, social media is on your list of ‘things to do’! Here’s a quick refresh on the why’s and wherefores! The new frontier Social Media is changing everything, it’s the new frontier! In reality, there’s nothing to be scared […]
Social Media Marketing – What to measure and how
Social media marketing may be deemed ‘free’ yet at the very least, you will be making an investment of your time, if not additional resources as well. Therefore , you need to understand if its working for you. And the greater investment the more critical this becomes. Last week I joined a webinar by the […]
Social Media – What if it all goes wrong?
I thought this might be a useful follow-on post to the previous with regards to losing control. This blog covers a different type of control! Social Media is so named because the networks (ie, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc) promote social interaction. If you’re using any of them for business purposes, you will find them most […]
Are You Making the Most of Your Social Media Accounts?
There are some fundamental basics to social media marketing which I often see forgotten. Ok so none of us is perfect and we’re all trying to cram too much into our busy lives already. However, if you are using any of the Social Media Networks to promote your business, then do try to implement at least […]