Useful tips to aid the small business owner.

How Supporting a Charity can gain Local Support for your Business
Businesses that support a charity find they gain huge benefits. Finding this support is vitally important and charities, such as ReachOut Plus, want to grow and develop their support from businesses in the Hertfordshire area. So what are the benefits? First and foremost it’s the opportunity to give something back into your local community. We […]

Why Networking is so Important for Business
Prior to setting up my own business I had no real knowledge of what networking was or how one went about doing it! However, I do remember the exact moment when it all clicked into place! I was actually on the telephone to an online insurance salesman, only a few months into trading. We were […]

The Point of HashTags
Last week I met with Rebecca Fennell at The Espresso Lounge in Tring, I should say on the recommendation of Jeremy Chapman of Roy Chapman Ltd. Anyway, Rebecca is a professional photographer and the meeting was to discuss her marketing activity. As a result of showing me her absolutely fantastic portrait portfolios and wedding books, […]

Its all very British!
Promotional opportunities can sometimes be found in the most unlikely of places… Take the Royal Wedding for instance; there’s been lots of discussion over street parties and merchandise, but actually some companies have thought ‘outside the box’ and looked to maximise the event with their own promotional opportunities. Bingo anyone? Boden, the online clothing company, are […]

Social Media: Love it or Hate it?
This recent tweet from Sejual Shah, EFT expert, prompted my latest blog post: “You know you’ve left mainstream media behind when you first hear Liz Taylor has passed away through Twitter” You can find out more about Sejual via twitter @EFTSejual. Love it or hate it, social media is firmly ensconced in our lives and no longer just […]

Social Media for Business
What’s it all about? The use of the social media platforms for business, such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, has been gaining momentum over the past couple of years. As a result, many so called ‘gurus’ have jumped on the social media band-wagon and subsequently plagued us with little more than spam! As a result, […]

Do you have a magnetic personality?
Have you ever found yourself in a spiralling vortex of negative thoughts, despondent over your job prospects or unable to buy the things you desire? Would you like to change this? And, lets face it who wouldn’t jump at the chance?! If you’ve read my blog post of 4 February, you’ll see a series of events which led […]

The Power of EFT
I was recently asked to write a testimonial for Sejual Shah, a stress resolution specialist, to include on the guest book of her website. After doing so, I realised it would actually make quite a good blog post, so I hope you find the following either useful, informative or both! Fear of Presenting I am not embarrassed […]

Helpful Hints & Tips for the Small Business Owner 9
How well do you know your customers? I regularly meet with small business contacts through various networking channels and continue to be surprised at the sheer number of individuals who don’t seem to know who their customers are. Clearly they have some knowledge in terms of name and address for invoicing purposes, but quite often […]

Twitter for Business
Using Twitter for Business In October 2010 I was asked by Debbie Gilbert, founder of Viva Networking, to give a talk on the use of Twitter for Business at my local business networking group in Berkhamsted. Such was the response that, not only did I secure a new client for my business, but also a […]